• A little to cozy

    Operaramblings, Toronto

    “The costuming (Snezana Pesic) is wicked from Fonzo’s suits … to the coy/​tarty bridal gowns of the final act“.

  • one


    The Globe and Mail, Toronto

    …”The sights and sounds of Hades are truly fright­en­ing thanks to Snezana Pesic’s atmos­pheric light­ing and Matthew Waddell’s intense sound design. “

  • The Cherry Orchard

    The Cherry Orchard

    Edmon­ton jour­nal, Edmon­ton — Liz Nicholls

    Cherry Orchard visu­ally lovely (title)

    “Snezana Pesic’s design is unusu­ally spare and ele­gant. None of the usual dust cloths and clut­ter as Lyubov and her unrav­el­ling entourage return home to Mother Rus­sia after five years. She gave us instead a float­ing image of a lumi­nous branch, a doll-​house, two out­sized frames, a cou­ple of chairs and a lot of space. The fam­ily don’t seem to occupy their old lives.”

about my work

I regard myself as a scenographer in the broadest sense, or as a multi-disciplinary artist, rather than a traditional theatre designer. As such, I am always seeking to expand, refine, and revaluate my skills and their application modes through performances and practical research grounded in design.


Theatre Design

looking for extraordinary performance design